after high school I was excited to live an independent life. I wanted to have new, fun experiences. like ya do. I'd been good and it was time for some naughty fun.
drugs seemed to have fallen into things I wanted to experience. and I soon met people who felt the same.
the drug scene had been introduced to me before I went to university but university is where I picked up a bit of a habit and, I could get away with it. I got away with it for a long time.
I could afford to include drugs in my uni life as well as pass all my uni papers. I felt pretty successful. this supported my naive thought that I could be in control.
the problems I've seen with drugs, begin when you take more than you know you should - most things are fine in moderation. I saw my friends over do it at times, and I did too. we recovered, fine, after we did this. I was convinced I could handle it. we reinforced each others belief that it was all bueno.
to begin with it was a lot of: "everyones doing it, and they're fine, so I can do it too."
it was our normal. you experiment with different substances enough times and think you can get away with doing it again and again and again...
it worked like that with me up until I went to Rainbow Serpent Festival in January. known for its psychedelic scene, I was definitely going with a handful of drugs with bad intentions for the sake of my brain. I'll throw some names at you: ketamine, ecstasy, weed, acid, alcohol. boom bam whaaaa pow.
the only component that scared me before the festival was acid. maybe that was the trigger for my psychosis? maybe all those together were? maybe weed & acid? ketamine & acid?the fact I don't know the exact cause means I would be taking a massive risk, of experiencing another psychotic episode, anytime I consume these drugs again.
you think you could handle that combination? I thought so.
I know people who would read that and say yes.
maybe I didn't care about myself enough to care what I took?
I care about myself now.
I know what I am never doing again.
I don't know what you do. I don't know if you like festivals, and parties, or drugs like I do (did). but they're dangerous to continue, because of the drug culture becoming increasingly about more! more! more! and ...less about reducing harm.
look after yourself & your friends.